Tag Archives: personal

  1. The (Fitness) Journey Never Ends – it just changes

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    October 2, 2015 by Darlene McC

    I love my job. I love my team…. But 2 years of management has destroyed my body…2 years of devolving into who we think of as “our clients” (sedentary, bad diet, sore back, looooong stints at the computer, high stress) has taught me just as much as recovery from illness did. And the the old adage “you don’t use it you lose it” has been deeply driven home.

    Fitness isn’t a destination, just like life isn’t. It’s a process, and that’s what’s great about it. As our priorities shift and evolve, our bodies (and, in turn, minds) will as well. I’m at the crossroads where I’ve grown into my job enough that I can shift at least part of my priority back to myself and my wellness.