Whole30 Round 2 – Week 1 – Ding Ding


January 6, 2013 by Darlene McC

Way back in October I (Darlene) happened to pick up a copy of the book It Starts With Food and went on a magic food journey with Dallas & Melissa Hartwig (I promise not to use the phrase “magic food journey ever again). 30 days of clean eating following strict dietary rules that, D&M promised, would literally change my life.  I documented them all in a series of posts that sparked a lot of good conversation, some serious reflection about what I was up to, and resulted in many of our readers, friends, families, clients, etc embarking on their own Whole30.

whole30aThat was 3 months ago.  Since then we’ve had a hurricane hit NYC (resulting in 6 days sitting in my apartment with a hungry hungry husband), Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas, and New Years.  All of those things did not promote a healthy, paleo diet.  So I’ve opted to join Dallas, Melissa, my mother & eldest brother, about half my clients, and a few friends in the largest Whole30 ever.  Since January 1st, it’s been ON.

It’s feeling a little different this time around and I have a few theories as to why.  I haven’t had the intense sugar cravings I did last time or the gastro intestinal distress (I was HORRIBLY constipated last time… sorry for the TMI).  No food related nightmares or cold sweats when I’ve smelled a bakery.  I attribute this to the healing my gut did during my first W30 and the neurological patterns I formed at that time.  If I’m not in as rough shape I’m not going to have as rough a time and some good habits were set (even if they were undermined over Christmas… oops).

While I’m not having the overwhelming desire to plant my face in a cake, I have noticed that my portion sizes are HUGE.  I have been over eating as bad or worse than during the holidays.  I haven’t quite nailed down why, but my goal for the coming week is to return to Dallas & Melissa’s formula:

I am not an artist...

I am not an artist…

At every meal. No exceptions. No more, no less.

I believe part of my problem is a lackadaisical attitude approaching this W30.  Because I did it before, I didn’t plan as well this time.  I subconsciously believed that I could just fall back into it.  Rookie mistake.  And very fixable.

Rules for this week:

  • Husband & I plan ahead for all meals on Sunday.
  • All ingredients purchased before the date of cooking so they’re guaranteed to be in the house.
  • No eating within 3 hours of bed.
  • Only 1 plate!

I got this. Ding ding.  Round 2.


One thought on “Whole30 Round 2 – Week 1 – Ding Ding

  1. ntothe says:

    In the past I’ve been crazy hungry the first 1-2 weeks, I think it’s the body adjusting to all the good food and making up for nutritional deficiencies brought about by the previous poor choices (severe anemia was one of the symptoms that led me down the clean-paleo-eating rabbit hole to start with).

    Or maybe…. it’s just that the food IS SO GOOD, in that case not a great reason ;)!

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